"You Can Find Us" Chart

Thursday, December 4, 2014
I decided that I needed something on my door so that others would know where my class is when we are not in our classroom. I looked around, and didn't find anything that I really liked, so I decided to create something myself. If you like it, you can purchase it here! It is completely customizable, which is a bonus. I also added my avatar to the top because I just thought it added an element of fun. All I did was print, laminate and cut. I then put it into a pocket chart and added a clothespin indicating our location. I used a couple of magnetic clips and attached to the outside of the door. It is the "job" of the classroom door monitor to change the clothespin to our location. The first day that I used this, it was raining very hard. I left it outside to see how it would hold up in the wind and rain. Fantastic! Since it is laminated and in protective sleeves (in the pocket chart), it held up like a champ. 

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