Addition Quiz Review Game

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 No comments
 Addition practice PowerPoint game. Just posted to my TpT store! It can be found here! 
 I made this for my class as a review for their chapter 1 math test on addition. There are two ways you can play this game.  
Version 1I split the class into 2 teams. The first student on each team gets a whiteboard.  (I choose who goes first by drawing sticks.) Once the answers are shared, the rest of the class gives a thumbs up to agree or thumbs down to disagree with their team's answer. The team with the most points wins. 
Version 2- The same procedure for choosing who goes first. Have all of the kids work out the answer on their whiteboards. Ask for answers from Team 1 and count the correct answers. Then ask for answers from Team 2. Whichever team has the most correct answers will win the point. 

Classroom Library Labels

Thursday, September 3, 2015 No comments

I created these classroom library labels that can be easily moved and reattached without leaving a sticky residue. I used Scotch Restickable Dots to adhere them. This is my class library with some of the labels attached. Since I teach first grade, yes, some of the books are misplaced in the wrong genres. ;)

Tattle or Report Task Cards

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 No comments
Has tattling been a problem in your classroom? I'm betting on yes! It has been an issue in my first grade classroom for years. So...I decided to create a lesson on tattling and reporting. Each task card has a "situation" on it. I had my students stand in the middle of the classroom, and we made a four corners game out of it. Or- a two corners game rather! The kids loved it! I'm not saying this just because I created it, but IT WORKS! This is version 1. You can find it here
I am currently working on a version 2. Now you may be thinking, "this one lesson worked for all of the tattlers?" No. I spoke with my class about this topic every day for the first week, and we acted out different situations that are in my version 2 cards. I am pleasantly surprised and happy to say that it was a formula for success!