New Classroom Decor!

Friday, January 19, 2018 No comments
Writing wall
Over winter break, I decided to redecorate my classroom with some calming colors. After much thought, I went with the ever popular "farmhouse chic" look. The photo to the left is my writing wall. You may notice only 18 spaces for writing. Yeah... I was tired after many hours and days of decorating, so I had to re-do this wall to fit 24. I used a wooden arrow from Hobby Lobby at the top. I think it adds a nice touch!

Art wall

To the right, is my art wall. On all of my bulletin boards, I used fabric (that I fireproofed) and for the border, I used a thick ribbon. I used burlap flowers for the corners of the board to wrap it all up. I tied navy blue ribbon to the corners of the heading, "create", giving it an extra little touch.

Table number headers
Ivy adorned windows and motivational posters

 Above left, is a mint green lantern with navy ribbon attached.  I used adhesive to attach the double sided table number header. Above right- I needed something for my windows. Since I do not know how to sew, and couldn't spend the money on curtains, I found this wired ivy at Jo-Ann's, for 50% off. I simply twirled it around the top.

Manipulatives in the shelves
To the right, is my unfinished math wall. I posted this picture, simply for you to see the shelves hung on the wall. The top shelf holds manipulatives that I use frequently during math. The bottom shelf holds dry erase markers and calendar days, months, etc. At the bottom of this picture, is a standing magazine holder, that I put my Phonics Pathways books in, as well as my anecdotal note clipboard, and other important information used on a daily basis.
Student supplies

Above: It is difficult to see in this picture, but I have student supply bins in the shelves. Above right: I zoomed in on the pencil caddy. Since the caddy has chicken wire around it, I attached labels with a binder ring. 
Below: This is the wall by my desk. I put a little "command center" here. A place to keep my keys, and important information, such as RSP schedules, phone directory, weekly bulletins, etc. I absolutely love how it turned out. Note: The labels and letters are from a cute little Teachers Pay Teachers store called, "Cupcakes n Curriculum". The link can be found here. I felt like it had the perfect color scheme to go with my color choices of mint, navy and burlap. Her decor sets are also editable, which was important to me, since I have first graders who cannot read cursive.
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     Firefly lights inside of a mason jar. 

The Life of a Snowflake

Monday, January 8, 2018 No comments
Happy New Year! One of my New Year resolutions is to blog weekly, so you'll be hearing from me more often!
Today I wanted to tell you about a new listing on my Teachers Pay Teachers store. It is called, The Life of a Snowflake. Please find the listing here. Thank you for following my blog. I hope to have some helpful information for you in the future!