Every class is different... the year I implemented this idea, I needed to switch up what I was doing in terms of motivating my class to follow rules in and outside of the classroom. Here is what I do: I use a
tens frame chart that I made (I will be adding it to my TpT store as a free download). I personalize them for each student and make multiple copies. I tape one to each student desk. I then use
stamp markers whenever a student is "caught being good" or completes a task, meets a goal, etc. Whatever I decide I will give a stamp for that day...maybe it will be if the student returned their library book, then they got a stamp. When they fill up their tens chart with ten stamps they get to go "shopping" immediately. I make a big deal out of it so that they feel accomplished and proud. When they save up 10 completed stamp charts, they get to go to the treasure box where I have bigger ticket items to choose from (mostly Dollar Tree items, but they are over the moon about it). Some students fill it up more quickly than others, but the beauty of it is, that even for your most challenging kids, you can set different goals for them so that they can see success as well- which is a necessity. (If they don't ever get their tens frame completed, what is the point for them?) You can even have a goal setting meeting with your students. Every class is different and so is every student.
This is part of differentiation- not just academics.

Look at this crazy sale! Not even after a holiday! |

Ok, after looking at the pictures you are probably asking yourself,
"who buys all of these prizes?" Honestly? A combination of myself and parent donations. I am fortunate enough that I have had awesome families who freely donate and ask frequently what the classroom needs. When I buy prizes, it is usually from Dollar Tree or with a coupon from Michael's or Hobby Lobby. I capitalize on sales after holidays or seasons and get terrific deals on things. I am always on the lookout for my little classroom shopping cart! When parents donate, I find that they buy from Amazon, Target or Lakeshore.
What is in the shopping cart? Squishies (the absolute favorite); Play-Dough minis; bracelets; bouncy balls; pencils with cute cap erasers; plastic slinkies; plastic kazoos; erasers; Scentables gel pens; Scentables markers; crazy straws; plastic dinosaurs and bugs, etc. The squishies only come out on Fridays for table points, since these are a hot item and more expensive.
I keep my shopping cart located behind my teacher desk area. My students have always been respectful of it. Have you tried something like this before? How has it worked for you? Let me know in the comments below!